Chrysalis Graphic CLD Message

Breaking News

Gathering on

1 August 2015

Application Forms for 2015 are now available



New Notices






Community Lay Director


Greetings everybody in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Allow me to thank each and every person that was involved in some or other way in our Flights held in July. They were truly inspiring and God filled. Without the communities involvement I feel the flights would not take place, so thank you and may God continue to Bless you.

Time is upon us again when we start preparing for our next set of Flights in July 2015. Team selection takes place at the end of October 2014 so please prayfully consider working on team and get your forms in. Sponsors start preparing spiritually and mentally for your roll with our fresh set of Caterpillars.

Then take note that we have our AGM in November and are working on holding it down in the Toti area, incorporated with a gathering. We will be looking for a CLD elect for 2016, so any nominations are welcome to be forwarded to me.

From the board we thank you for all things big and small that have been done in order to make this ministry what it is.

May God continue to bless and keep you.

Greg Conolly

CLD - KZN DRAK Chrysalis.

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